Individual Rate: $53,000 plus GCT
Group Rate ( 5 or more persons): $47,000 plus GCT
Registration Closing Date: May 7 – 8, 2019
Many middle managers are unprepared for their unique roles. In fact, recent research compares contemporary middle managers to general managers of the past The global marketplace requires strong skills in execution and change management to accomplish work goals. In addition, much of today’s work is accomplished through teams and new skills such as Influencing, networking, emotional intelligence and coaching are critical for success. A higher level skill set is required for todays leaders in order for them to be effective in their roles.
Many middle professionals have a wealth of experience at handling day to day management issues and are now ready for a bigger challenge. Are there extra skills they need to acquire to prepare them for the next level of leadership? This Conference is about exploring and mastering those skills and knowledge that will comfortably take them to the next level of competence – from professional to leader.
At the end of the Conference participants will have learned to lead more effectively and/or make the transition from professional manager to leader by:
• Ensuring that they have all the core skills of effective management and leadership
• Understanding what drives in a changing world
• Influencing and managing the performance and organizational culture
• Exploring team dynamics,preferred team roles
• Having a framework for implementing successful change programmes and making tough decisions
• Leading and developing talent
• Managing integration in a complex organization
• Learning the tools of influence
The organisation will benefit from having middle managers who are:
• Equipped motivated and confident to transition to the next level or lead more effectively
• Able to avoid common pitfalls at the more senior level through greater understanding of organizational culture, performance management, making decisions and talent Management
• Equipped to make a significant contribution to moving the organisation in desired directions and steer teams through complex situations
• Thinking and behave like leaders
Participants will:
• Gain new insights into decision making, visioning, performance management and learn how to be flexible in both leadership and management
• Be able to understand people and create a motivating environment for their staff
• Understand their own and others’ preferred team roles
• Be able to influence upwards in the organisation with confidence
• Be able to plan and lead change
This Conference is designed for:
• Those who need to keep abreast of new thinking in management and leadership
• Those who have some experience at manager / professional level and are ready to take on a wider role
• Those who want to make the transition from competent professional to inspirational leader
• Those who need a deeper understanding of what drives individual behaviour and group dynamics
• Those who need to hone their influencing skills to get results that matter
• Those about to embark on leading a change programme within their organization
• Those who need to network