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MYM Publication

Make Your Mark Middle Managers’ Conferences Continues to Add Value to The Public And Private Sectors.

Ladies and gentlemen the conference of choice is back. We welcome
you to Make Your Mark Middle Managers’ Conference 2018. The
Reviews confirm that conference continues to add value to the Public
and Private Sectors. We continue in faith and trust knowing that our
efforts will improve our growth prospects.

This year’s conference will provide new learning opportunities which
will include the core skills of management and leadership and most
importantly to go back to your organizations to be agents for positive

Middle Managers ares expected to balance shareholder, management
along with employee and customer interest. This conference has been
priced and organized to give best value for money. It has become the
conference with a track record of practical and implementable
solutions from an international, regional and local perspective.

We have assembled some of the greatest minds in Jamaica and across
the region and North America. We have over 16 presentations and 16
presenters over the next 2 days.

This year’s conference focuses on personal and professional
development to include:
Human Resource Development
Customer Service and Sales
The CEO’s Perspective
Managing In the Middle

Middle managers comprise a large swath of the overall global
workforce. In the U.S. alone, nearly 11 million people identified their
role as that of a middle manager in 2012 according to the Wall Street

In order for C-Suite leadership to implement strategic plans key
to their critical and essential goals, they must rely on middle managers
to execute, implement, and create buy-in with employees across the
organization. A core function of a middle manager is to bridge the gap
between C-suite executives and the workforce at large.

Insigniam’s 2017 Middle Management Survey reveals that while many middle
managers are motivated by the type of work they do, dire issues exist
among many of those occupying the middle management ranks.

Namely, issues related to declining opportunities to progress
professionally, a lack of the decision rights to get their jobs done, and a
disconnect with the people to whom they report. The ultimate insight
from the survey? The bigger and more plentiful the opportunity for
making a meaningful contribution to the future of their enterprises, the
more potent and satisfied the middle manager.

The conference was designed to meet the needs and build the capacity of middle
managers’ in the public and private sector. Most organizations continue to
struggle with unacceptable levels of productivity resulting in low output and
underperforming assets.

As a country we have come to accept mediocrity, lack of
order and modern trappings over development. We need to assess our levels of
justification of the standards we have chosen to accept, live with and implement.
How have these standards contributed to our low levels of productivity and low
growth. How have these modern trappings skewed our priorities and
understanding of what are the must haves verses the good to have. How has the
lack of order contributed to lost opportunities, crime, the brain drain and

MYMC continues to advocate for an assessment of our readiness to capitalize on
the numerous opportunities being presented to our beloved country.

• Do we have the skill sets and competences available for investors and employers.
• Are our educational institutions producing graduates with critical thinking skills?
• Do we have enough qualified men exiting our learning institutions?
• Do we have the required match between investor and educational output?
• What Makes One Ready and Qualified?

Who is a Qualified Person? Is it one who has secondary tertiary or post graduate certification, one who understands the value of work, money, time and resources, one who is trainable, reliable, consistent and has a value system which includes honesty, integrity, love peace, understanding and humility.

Recent Media reports confirm the need for more qualified middle
managers’ in Jamaica and especially The BPO industry.

We at MYMC are aware that this need is wide spread and commend organizations represented here
today. We often speak of good work ethics but I would like to share with you an
experience I had surrounding this issue.

A few years ago as a member off a committee at the International Labour Organization (ILO) with a mandate to fashion a new Convention on Human Resource Development a discussion
ensued on the inclusion of this phrase “good work ethics” and why was it
necessary to be included in the new convention. After explaining our heart away
he simply said “there is no such thing in japan what you are discussing is a way
of life for us”

The opportunity here is for us to make the right things a way of life so that growth
and development become a way of life. We can and We Must.
• Do we also need to urgently review our Labour Market Information, educational and training data with a view to influencing policy shifts and our labour laws?
• Should we be moving speedily towards performance based compensation for both the public and
private sectors?

Most productive organizations have working processes and systems coupled with trained and engaged employees. A system is as good the employee manning or using it; It is therefore important to have the synergies working at optimum capacity.

Ladies and gentleman we are poised for growth and must therefore continue to
make strategic decisions and implement the required changes.

We would like to thank all of you for attending as we know you and your
organizations have choices but you chose to make this investment. Thank you to
our Sponsors: Caledonia Outdoor Advertising, Happy Ice, Main Event, The
Gleaner, Visual Tech, Solutions, Nationwide News Network, Celebration Brands,
Intelligent Multimedia, Mona Graphic Printers, Jewel Paradise Cove Resort and
Spa, Todays Sign Art, National Housing Trust our invaluable presenters and our
media partners.

Do have a life changing experience over the next 2 days with the
objective of going back to your organization’s as innovators and the ‘hub’ of

Thanks to the Smart working secretariat staff for the work done to put
together what we trust will be a memorable experience for all.
Thank you.
Jacqueline Coke-Lloyd
Managing Director
Make Your Mark Consultants
April 16, 2018

OPENING SPEECH AT MIDDLE MANAGERS’ CONFERENCE 2018 APRIL 24– 25, 2018 Navigating The Leadership Pipeline


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